Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson is a freelance technology journalist with a number of specialisms. He has been freelancing, and working for some of the world’s best-loved websites and magazines. He is currently acting as tech writer and editor of - a website specializing in the latest technology and the best tech products.
2 Posts
How to stuff PC into Switch? Steam Deck is the solution
What’s clear is that with the demise of Nintendo’s 3DS series, consoles in the traditional sense are largely dead. But something has changed after Valve released a game console called Steam Deck. Though Nintendo’s Switch console model was born to adapt to the mobile gaming scene, and the subsequent Switch Lite is a step closer to portability, the shape of the console is still there, and its handheld game system that is distinct from the host has long since faded. The popularity of mobile games has robbed consoles of their uniqueness: “palm gaming”. Also ever-increasing performance of mobile phones has made carrying...
Apple Mac Studio Refreshes What We Know About PCs
The M1 Ultra, consisting of two M1 Max chips, became the last of the M1 series and completes the entire M1 SoC universe. M1 Ultra to the entire M1 series, was just like Avengers: Endgame to the first stage of Marvel, which went through decades of diligent layout but finally reached the peak. However, the difference is that Mac Studio with M1 Ultra feels more like the ultimate boss of Thanos, rather than the members of Avengers who have unique skills and always fight against Thanos as a team. The birth of M1 series chips (based on ARM architecture) and...